One of our latest addition to our floral collection, the Soft Peach Hunter Bouquet! This stunning bouquet is uniquely crafted with a beautiful combination of seasonal blooms, including roses, daisies, mums, carnations and more. The soft peach tones of this bouquet add a subtle touch of elegance, making it the perfect gift or centerpiece for any occasion
*PLEASE BE AWARE: All flowers are a product of nature, sometimes the colours and variations may change, if any of the flower products are not available for your order, then the next best floral substitution will be used as a replacement. However, we will always send the freshest of flowers. Our flowers are often sent in tight bud to ensure longevity, if you need your flowers to be open for a specific date please order a week in advance. At Buds and Blooms Florist we want you to enjoy your flowers for as long as possible, to ensure this we will not leave flowers unattended if the forecast is over 30 degrees centigrade as this will compromise the life of the flowers. A redelivery fee may apply if we are unable to leave the flowers at the premises.